• BS 1363:1984

BS 1363:1984

Specification for 13 A fused plugs and switched and unswitched socket-outlets

BSI Group , 08/31/1984

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF


Conditions of use, definitions, construction and tests, including those related to non-rewireable plugs and portable socket outlets. Appendices include construction of a calibrated link and a test plug for the temperature rise test.Replaced by Parts 1 and 2 of BS 1363 but remains current to allow manufacturers time to change to the new requirements.

BS 1363:1984 History

BS 1363-1:2023

BS 1363-1:2023

$199.00 $399.00

BS 1363-1:2016+A1:2018

BS 1363-1:2016+A1:2018

$199.00 $398.78

BS 1363-1:2016

BS 1363-1:2016

$161.00 $322.58

BS 1363-1:1995+A4:2012

BS 1363-1:1995+A4:2012

$199.00 $398.78

BS 06/30156710 DC

BS 06/30156710 DC

$95.00 $191.08

BS 1363-1:1995

BS 1363-1:1995

$134.00 $269.24

BS 1363:1984

BS 1363:1984

$199.00 $398.78

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