BS 1722-1:2019

Fences-Specification for chain link fences

BSI Group , 04/26/2019

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF


Scope: This part of BS 1722 specifies requirements for chain link fences and gates and gateposts for use with chain link fences. The gates specified are steel with a provision for chain link infill or other infill if required by the client.

This British Standard specifies requirements for fences up to 3.60 m in height with a chain link mesh infill. For other security fences, refer to BS 1722-10, BS 1722-12 and BS 1722-14, and for chain link mesh specifications refer to BS EN 10223-6.

This British Standard is divided into requirements for the material components for fences and for installation of the fences. This standard also specifies requirements for protective treatments. However, maintenance requirements for the fence after installation are outside the scope of this standard.

This British Standard specifies requirements for sizes of components. These are minimum requirements, and it is acceptable to use larger sizes, except where this could adversely affect the fitting of components, or if replacement parts are required to match with those already present.

Ground conditions might indicate that a variation in the length of a post or strut, or the depth to which these can be set, is desirable. The posts and struts and setting depths specified in this part of BS 1722 are intended for use in normal ground conditions, but if special conditions exist that warrant variations in the specification, e.g. the ground is softer or firmer than usual, such a change needs to be agreed with the specifier.Cross References:BS EN ISO 2063BS 4320BS EN 1011-2BS EN 10244-2BS EN ISO 12944BS EN 10240BS EN 10223-1BS 8500BS 4652BS EN 1011-1BS EN 10223-4BS 7371-6BS 7371-3BS EN 10223-2 BS EN 10223-5BS EN ISO 9606-1BS 1722-16BS EN 12620BS EN 10223-7BS 4102BS EN ISO 1461BS EN 10223-3BS EN 10223-6:2012BS EN 1991-1-4BS EN 10219-2BS 1722-14BS EN 10210-2BS EN 10219-1BS EN 10210-1BS 1722-12BS EN 10296-1 BS EN 1176-1BS EN ISO 14713BS EN 10255DIN 1615BS EN 10025-2BS EN 10056-1BS 4-1BS 1722-10

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BS 1722-1:2019

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