• BS 1902-11:1991

BS 1902-11:1991

Methods of testing refractory materials-Refractory mortars and putties

BSI Group , 02/28/1991

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF


For testing properties of mortars as applied to brick surfaces, and in simulated use.Cross References: BS 410*BS 812:Part 103*BS 887*BS 958 *BS 1902:Part 2*BS 1902:Section 3.2*BS 1902:Section 4.3*BS 1902:Section 4.4*BS 1902:Section 4.9*BS 1902:Section 5.2*BS 1902:Section 5.3*BS 1902:Section 5.10*BS 1902:Part 7*BS 1902:Section 7.1 *BS 1902:Section 7.2*BS 1902:Part 9*BS 3406:Part 1*BS 3446*BS 4551*BS 4966*

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