• BS 2011-2.1FDA:1973

BS 2011-2.1FDA:1973

Environmental testing. Tests-Test Fda. Random vibration - wide band reproducibility high

BSI Group , 11/15/1973

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF


Gives the test procedure for wide band random vibration tests, reproducibility high, applicable to components and equipment which may be subjected to conditions in service involving vibration of a stochastic nature. To be read in conjunction with BS 2011-2.1Fd:1973Cross References: BS 2011:Part 1.1*BS 2011:Part 2.1Fd*BS 2011:Section 4.1*

BS 2011-2.1FDA:1973 History

BS 2011-2.1FDB:1973

BS 2011-2.1FDB:1973

$95.00 $190.50

BS 2011-2.1FDA:1973

BS 2011-2.1FDA:1973

$95.00 $190.50

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