• BS 2015:1992

BS 2015:1992

Glossary of paint and related terms

BSI Group , 02/28/1992

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF


Defines terms specific to and in general use in the paint and allied industries. Intended for use by a wide cross-section of industry.Cross References:00:Part A17BS 3900:Part B2BS 3900:Part B6 BS 3900:Part B7BS 3900:Part B8BS 3900:Part B9BS 3900:Part B12BS 3900:Part C2BS 3900:Part C3BS 3900:Part C7BS 3900:Part C8BS 3900:Part C9BS 3900:Part D4BS 3900:Part D8 BS 3900:Part D9BS 3900:Part E1BS 3900:Part E2BS 3900:Part E3BS 3900:Part E6BS 3900:Part F3BS 3900:Part F6BS 3900:Part H2BS 4359:Part 1BS 6949BS 7079:Part 0BS 7079:Part A1BS 7079:Part C1ISO 2080ISO 4628-3ISO 8501-1EN 535Partially replaced by BS EN 971-1:1996.Incorporates the following:AMD 9341 published 15 November 1996

BS 2015:1992 History

BS 13/30236314 DC

BS 13/30236314 DC

$115.00 $230.58

BS 2015:1992

BS 2015:1992

$184.00 $368.30

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