• BS 2567:1997

BS 2567:1997

Specification for non-powered roller conveyors

BSI Group , 10/15/1997

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF


Specifies the dimensions and materials for the rollers, skate wheels and supporting frames for straight and curved sections of fixed and portable non-powered roller conveyors for industrial use.Cross References:BS 970:Part 1:1983BS 1449:Part 1:1991BS 1474:1987BS 5304:1988BS 5391:Part 1:1976BS 6323:Part 5:1982BS 6323:Part 8:1982BS EN 10088-3:1995

BS 2567:1997 History

BS 2567:1997

BS 2567:1997

$95.00 $190.50

BS 2567:1972

BS 2567:1972

$132.00 $264.16

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