BS 31111:2018

Cyber risk and resilience. Guidance for the governing body and executive management

BSI Group , 03/05/2018

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF


BS 31111:2018 provides guidance on cyber risk management and resilience for societal,regulatory, governance and behavioural risks that need to be understood, assessed, quantified,qualified and addressed, and overseen by the governing body and executive management of anorganization.This British Standard helps the governing body and executive management manage cyber riskand resilience, explaining the various approaches to making an organization cyber resilient. It isapplicable to public, private and not-for-profit organizations of all sizes, and provides guidance on theessential features of cyber risk and resilience management to ensure that cyber resilience is built intodecision making.This is not a technical cyber security or risk management standard. It is intended for a non-technicalaudience, although some of the relevant standards with more technical content are listed in Annex A.Cross References:BS 65000BS EN ISO/IEC 27000PD ISO Guide 73BS ISO 31000 BS ISO/IEC 27014PAS 7000PAS 555BS 10012BS 7799-3 BS EN ISO 22301BS 16000BS 11200BS 13500BS 31100 ISO 22316BS ISO 31010BS ISO/IEC 27032BS EN ISO 22313BS EN ISO/IEC 27001BS EN ISO/IEC 27002BS ISO/IEC 27031

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