• BS 3202-1:1991

BS 3202-1:1991

Laboratory furniture and fittings-Introduction

BSI Group , 05/31/1991

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF


Definitions, regulations, general considerations of safety in relation to storage and services. Includes the index to parts 1 - 4 inclusive.Cross References:BS 1710BS 3202:Part 2BS 3202:Part 3BS 3202:Part 4BS 5750Carcinogenic Substances Regulations 1967Control of Pollution ActsBuilding RegulationsControl of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations (COSSH) 1989Electricity at Work Regulations 1989Factories Act 1961Fire Precautions Act 1971 Gas Safety Regulations 1980Genetic Manipulation Health and Safety Regulations 1981Highly Flammable Liquids and Liquefied Petroleum Gases Regulations 1972Ionising Radiations Regulations 1985 and Approved Code of PracticeMisuse of Drugs Regulations 1971Offices, Shops and Railway Premises Act 1963Petroleum ActsPressure Systems and Pressure Vessels 1990Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974Petroleum ActsPetroleum (Consolidation) Act 1928IEE Regulations for Electrical Installations 1981

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