• BS 3456-3-3.3:1979

BS 3456-3-3.3:1979

Specification for safety of household and similar electrical appliances. Complete particular specifications-Vacuum cleaners and water suction cleaning appliances

BSI Group , 04/30/1986

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF


Safety requirements for dry pick-up electric vacuum cleaners and water suction appliances for use in households, shops, light industry and on farms and for animal grooming and similar purposes.

BS 3456-3-3.3:1979 History

BS 08/30195105 DC

BS 08/30195105 DC

$121.00 $243.24

BS 3456-202-202.2:1990

BS 3456-202-202.2:1990

$132.00 $264.16

BS 3456:PART 102:SECTION 102.2:1987
BS 3456-3-3.3:1979

BS 3456-3-3.3:1979

$132.00 $264.16

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