• BS 3505:1986

BS 3505:1986

Specification for unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (PVC-U) pressure pipes for cold potable water

BSI Group , 12/31/1986

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF


Pipes up to and including nominal size 24 for use at pressures up to 15 bar at 20°C, such that pipes which conform with the standard will be acceptable to UK water undertakings. Cross References:BS 1710BS 1994BS 2474BS 2782:Method 1101ABS 2782:Method 1102ABS 2782:Method 1104ABS 4346:Part 2BS 4728BS 4800BS 4901BS 5556BS 5750:Part 2BS 5750:Part 5 CP 312:Part 2ISO 161/1Replaced by parts 1 to 5 of BS EN 1452 but remains current.Incorporates the following:AMD 6130 published 30 November 1988

BS 3505:1986 History

BS 08/30168702 DC

BS 08/30168702 DC

$122.00 $245.72

BS 3505:1986

BS 3505:1986

$132.00 $264.16

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