• BS 3558-1:1997

BS 3558-1:1997

Glossary of rubber terms-International terms

BSI Group , 10/15/1997

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF


Contains the terms and definitions agreed internationally, some of which are in BS 3558:1980Cross References:ISO 35:1995ISO 48:1994ISO 472:1988ISO 2930:1995ISO 3261:1975ISO 3534-1:1993ISO 3534-2:1993International Standard of Quality and Packing for Natural Rubber Grades (the "Green Book"), RMA Publication, 1 January 1979ISO 4223-1:1989ISO 4223-2:1991ISO 6194-2:1991ISO/TR 8330:1986ISO/TR 8517:1988ISO 10335:1990

BS 3558-1:1997 History

BS 3558-1:1997

BS 3558-1:1997

$199.00 $398.78

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BS 3558:1980

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BS 3558:1962

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