• BS 3632:1995

BS 3632:1995

Specification for residential park homes

BSI Group , 05/15/1995

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF


Requirements for a park home used as a permanent dwelling. Minimum requirements for sizes of rooms, requirements for means of escape, stability, thermal insulation, installation of heating, cooking and sanitary equipment and water supply.Cross References: BS 476:Part 3*BS 476:Part 7*BS 715*BS 1188*BS 1945*BS 5410:Part 1*BS 5423*BS 5440:Part 1*BS 5446:Part 1*BS 5482:Part 2*BS 5493*BS 5503:Part 1*BS 5503:Part 2*BS 5572*BS 5589*BS 5601:Part 1*BS 5608*BS 6262*BS 6539*BS 6575*BS 6700*BS 6760*BS 6762:Part 2*BS 6762:Part 3*BS 6778*BS 6891*BS 8233*Caravan Sites and Control of Development Act, 1960*Caravan Sites Act 1968*BS 5250*BS 7671*PD 6484*Mobile Homes Act 1975*Asbestos Products (Safety) Regulations 1985*Asbestos Products (Safety) (Amendment) Regulations 1987*Consumer Safety Act 1978*Asbestos (Prohibitions) 1988*Health and Safety at Work etc.Act 1974*Furniture and Furnishing Fire Safety Regulations 1988*Furniture and Furnishing Fire Safety Regulations 1989*Furniture and Furnishing Fire Safety Regulations 1993*Gas Safety (Installation and use) Regulations (and amendment) 1990*

BS 3632:1995 History

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BS 3632:2023

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$132.00 $264.16

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