• BS 3632:2005

BS 3632:2005

Residential park homes. Specification

BSI Group , 06/17/2005

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF


This standard covers the manufacture of residential park homes, for use as permanent places of residence. Its requirements are intended to produce stable, structurally sound and weather-resistant residential park homes that meet statutory requirements and incorporate adequate ventilation, means of escape, drainage, sanitation and thermal and sound insulation. The safe installation of electrical services and gas-/oil-fired installations is also covered. Calculation and test methods are provided to determine the level of sound insulation and the efficiency of the fixed ventilation systems of park homes.Cross References:BS 476-3:1975BS 476-7:1987BS 715BS 1188BS 5410-1BS 5440-1BS 5446-1BS 5482-1BS 5493BS 5608BS 6206BS 6262-4BS 6700BS 6891BS 7376BS 7449 BS 8417BS 12056-2BS EN 33BS EN 37 BS EN 997BS EN 50291BS EN ISO 12944-2BS 8233:1999BS 6762-2:1991BS 7671:2001BS 5250:2002PD 6484:1979Furniture and Furnishing (Fire) (Safety) Regulations 1988Gas Safety (Installation and use) Regulations 1998Water Supply (Water Fittings) Regulations 1999Caravan Sites and Control of Development Act, 1960Caravan Sites Act 1968Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992BRE Digest 369: Interstitial condensation and fabric degradation 1992

BS 3632:2005 History

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BS 3632:2023

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