• BS 3680-7:1971

BS 3680-7:1971

Measurement of liquid flow in open channels-The measurement of liquid level (stage)

BSI Group , 10/20/1971

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF


Concerns measurement of liquid level (stage), the most important of all measurements made in flow measurement. Deals with functional requirements, graduation, installation, accuracy and use of suitable measuring devices for single, instantaneous measurements and for continuous record of fluctuations of level. Includes details of devices used as aids to improve convenience or frequency of measurements.

BS 3680-7:1971 History

BS 06/30092802 DC

BS 06/30092802 DC

$143.00 $287.43

BS 3680-7:2000

BS 3680-7:2000

$95.00 $190.50

BS 3680-9A:1971

BS 3680-9A:1971

$95.00 $190.50

BS 3680-7:1971

BS 3680-7:1971

$95.00 $190.50

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