• BS 3986-2:1998

BS 3986-2:1998

Methods of test for drying performance of agricultural grain dryers-Additional procedures and crop specific requirements

BSI Group , 06/15/1998

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF


Gives additional procedures and requirements for commercial crops in addition to wheat over a wider range of conditions than that given in BS 3986:1991 now amended to become Part 1.Cross References:BS 4325:Part 4:1988BS 3986:1991BS 4317:Part 1:1980BS 4317:Part 3:1987BS 4317:Part 15:1981BS 4317:Part 23:1990BS EN ISO 665:1995International Seed Testing Association. International Rules for Seed Testing. 1993 Seed Science and Technology (1993) 21. Supplement

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