• BS 4011:1966

BS 4011:1966

Recommendations for the co-ordination of dimensions in building. Co-ordinating sizes for building components and assemblies

BSI Group , 07/31/1975

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF


Recommendations for the derivation of the basic sizes for the co-ordinating dimensions of building components and assemblies for all types of building and all forms of construction. Lists four preferences from which BSI committees should select ranges of component sizes for publication as standards.

BS 4011:1966 History

BS 6750:1986

BS 6750:1986

$132.00 $264.16

BS DD 51:SECTION 4:1977

BS DD 51:SECTION 4:1977

$175.00 $350.52

BS DD 51:SECTION 5:1977

BS DD 51:SECTION 5:1977

$175.00 $350.52

BS DD 51:SECTION 0:1977

BS DD 51:SECTION 0:1977

$175.00 $350.52

BS DD 51:SECTION 2:1977

BS DD 51:SECTION 2:1977

$175.00 $350.52

BS DD 51:SECTION 6:1977

BS DD 51:SECTION 6:1977

$175.00 $350.52

BS DD 51:SECTION 1:1977

BS DD 51:SECTION 1:1977

$175.00 $350.52

BS DD 51:SECTION 7:1977

BS DD 51:SECTION 7:1977

$175.00 $350.52

BS DD 51:SECTION 3:1977

BS DD 51:SECTION 3:1977

$175.00 $350.52

BS 4011:1966

BS 4011:1966

$132.00 $264.16

BS 4330:1968

BS 4330:1968

$132.00 $264.16

More BS Standards PDF

BS 598-2:1974

BS 598-2:1974

$154.00 $309.88

BS 5852:1990

BS 5852:1990

$175.00 $350.52

BS 7319-9:1990

BS 7319-9:1990

$80.00 $160.02

BS 7293:1990

BS 7293:1990

$95.00 $190.50