• BS 4118:1981

BS 4118:1981

Glossary of sanitation terms

BSI Group , 01/31/1989

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF


Definitions of terms covering water supply, sanitary appliances, above ground and underground drainage together with terms relative to back-siphonage installations.

BS 4118:1981 History

BS 6100-7:2008

BS 6100-7:2008

$184.00 $368.30

BS 04/30087608 DC

BS 04/30087608 DC

$146.00 $293.92

BS 6100-3.3:1992

BS 6100-3.3:1992

$154.00 $309.88

BS 6100-3-3.3:1991

BS 6100-3-3.3:1991

$154.00 $309.88

BS 4118:1981

BS 4118:1981

$154.00 $309.88

BS 6100-3.1:1986

BS 6100-3.1:1986

$132.00 $264.16

BS 6100-3.4:1985

BS 6100-3.4:1985

$46.00 $93.98

BS 6100-3.2.1:1984

BS 6100-3.2.1:1984

$80.00 $160.02

More BS Standards PDF

BS DD ENV 1992-4:2000

BS DD ENV 1992-4:2000

$132.00 $264.16

BS 2000-146:1998

BS 2000-146:1998

$80.00 $160.02

BS 00/645265 DC

BS 00/645265 DC

$78.00 $156.84

BS 2000-136-1:1998

BS 2000-136-1:1998

$80.00 $160.02