BS 4142:2014+A1:2019

Methods for rating and assessing industrial and commercial sound

BSI Group , 06/24/2019

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF


This British Standard describes methods for rating and assessing sound of an industrial and/or commercial nature, which includes:a) sound from industrial and manufacturing processes;b) sound from fixed installations which comprise mechanical and electrical plant and equipment;c) sound from the loading and unloading of goods and materials at industrial and/or commercialpremises; andd) sound from mobile plant and vehicles that is an intrinsic part of the overall sound emanating from premises or processes, such as that from fork-lift trucks, or that from train or ship movements on or around an industrial and/or commercial site.

The methods described in this British Standard use outdoor sound levels to assess the likely effects ofsound on people who might be inside or outside a dwelling or premises used for residential purposesupon which sound is incident.Cross References:BS EN 60942BS EN 61672-1BS EN 61260DIN 45680ANSI/ASA S12.18ISO 9613-2BS 7580-1BS EN ISO 3740BS 8233 BS EN ISO 3747BS EN ISO 389-7ISO 1996-2BS ISO 12913-1:2014 Incorporates the following:Amendment, June 2019

BS 4142:2014+A1:2019 History

BS 4142:2014+A1:2019

BS 4142:2014+A1:2019

$199.00 $398.78

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BS 4142:2014

$199.00 $398.78

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$95.00 $190.50

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$132.00 $264.16

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