• BS 4285-2.1:1984

BS 4285-2.1:1984

Microbiological examination for dairy purposes. Methods of general application for enumeration of microorganisms-Enumeration of microorganisms by poured plate technique for colony count

BSI Group , 12/31/1984

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF


To be read in conjunction with BS 4285-0,BS 4285-1Cross References:4285-04285-1-14285-1-24285-1-3 4285-3

BS 4285-2.1:1984 History

BS 05/30134004 DC

BS 05/30134004 DC

$125.00 $250.16

BS 5763-0:1996

BS 5763-0:1996

$154.00 $309.88

BS 5763-0:1986

BS 5763-0:1986

$95.00 $190.50

BS 4285-2.1:1984

BS 4285-2.1:1984

$39.00 $78.74

BS 4285-2.6:1984

BS 4285-2.6:1984

$39.00 $78.74

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