• BS 4533-102-102.8:1990

BS 4533-102-102.8:1990

Luminaires. Particular requirements-Specification for handlamps

BSI Group , 09/28/1990

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF


Requirements for handlamps using tungsten filament and tubular fluorescent lamps on supply voltages not exceeding 250 V. Includes handlamps which can be fixed to a support. Does not have Class I type of protection from electric shock.

BS 4533-102-102.8:1990 History

BS 4533-102-102.8:1990

BS 4533-102-102.8:1990

$95.00 $190.50

BS 4533-2-2.3:1972

BS 4533-2-2.3:1972

$132.00 $264.16

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