• BS 476-10:2009

BS 476-10:2009

Fire tests on building materials and structures-Guide to the principles, selection, role and application of fire testing and their outputs

BSI Group , 12/31/2008

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF


Cross References:BS 476-3BS 476-4BS 476-6BS 476-7 BS 476-11BS 476-12BS 476-13BS 476-15 BS 476-20BS 476-21BS 476-22BS 476-23 BS 476-24BS 476-31.1BS 476-32BS 476-33BS 4422BS 5268-4BS 5950BS 6336BS 8414-1BS 8414-2BS 9999PD 7974-3BS EN 1363-1BS EN 1364-1BS EN 1364-2 BS EN 1364-3BS EN 1364-4BS EN 1365-1BS EN 1365-2BS EN 1365-3BS EN 1365-4BS EN 1365-5BS EN 1365-6BS EN 1366-1BS EN 1366-2 BS EN 1366-3BS EN 1366-4BS EN 1366-5BS EN 1366-6BS EN 1366-8BS EN 1366-9BS EN 1634-1BS EN 1634-3BS EN 13501-1BS EN 13501-2BS EN 13501-3BS EN 13501-4BS EN 13501-5BS EN 13823BS EN ISO 1182BS EN ISO 1716BS EN ISO 11925-2BS ISO 3009BS ISO 5658 BS ISO 10294BS ISO/TR 12470DD ENV 1187prEN 1366-10prEN 1634-2ISO 834ISO 3008 ISO 5657ISO 5660-1ISO 5925-1ISO 6944 ISO 9239-2ISO 9705ISO 10295ISO 12468-1ISO 12468-2ISO 13785-1ISO/TR 834-3 ISO/TR 10158ISO/TR 2289889/106/EECBuilding Regulations 2000Building (Scotland) Regulations 2004Building Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2000The Building Regulations 2000 Approved Document BThe Scottish Building Standards Technical Handbook Section 2The Building Regulations (NI) 2000 Technical Booklet E

BS 476-10:2009 History

BS 476-10:2009

BS 476-10:2009

$154.00 $309.88

BS 07/30147204 DC

BS 07/30147204 DC

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