BS 4877:2016

Nuclear reactor instrumentation and control. Code of practice

BSI Group , 10/31/2016

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF


BS 4877:2016 provides recommendations for determining the I&C designand identifying the I&C systems and measurements required on a nuclear reactorplant, including the equipment required for reactor safety and protection,automatic control, and for the information and control in the main andsupplementary control rooms of the nuclear reactor plant.This British Standard provides recommendations for a clear life cycle for thedesign and implementation of control and instrumentation systems. Thisincludes the documentation of the I&C design basis, classification of functionsaccording to their safety importance, identification of a fault schedule and ofinternal and external hazards such as fire, environmental and seismic events orflood.This British Standard also provides recommendations for the main I&C systemson the plant and control rooms including:
  • sensors;
  • actuator interface operation;
  • measurements;
  • measurement methods;
  • the reactor protection system;
  • control and display facilities for reactor control and instrumentation; and
  • power supplies and communication systems.
This British Standard does not cover commercial or managerial matters, themeasurement and control of radioactivity releases, or the specific faults thatrequire protection. It does not cover refuelling systems, the emergency controlcentre or technical support centre, off-site support for emergencies, or whatconstitutes an acceptable radiological risk.Cross References:BS 3693IEC SC45A

BS 4877:2016 History

BS 4877:2016

BS 4877:2016

$184.00 $368.30

BS 4877:1972

BS 4877:1972

$95.00 $190.50

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