• BS 4978:1973

BS 4978:1973

Specification for timber grades for structural use

BSI Group , 06/01/1979

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF


Specifies structural timber assessed by visual or machine stress grading. Requirements are given for sizes, deviations in size, processing reductions, knots, fissures, slope of grain, wane, rate of growth, resin pockets, distortion, wormholes and other defects. Illustrations show the principles of knot projection to estimate the knot area ratio in visual grading and the measurement of other characteristics affecting strength.

BS 4978:1973 History

BS 12/30261882 DC

BS 12/30261882 DC

$100.00 $200.16

BS 4978:2007

BS 4978:2007

$58.00 $116.84

BS 4978:2007+A1:2011

BS 4978:2007+A1:2011

$73.00 $147.32

BS 06/30148361 DC

BS 06/30148361 DC

$137.00 $274.19

BS 4978:1988

BS 4978:1988

$132.00 $264.16

BS 4978:1973

BS 4978:1973

$132.00 $264.16

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