• BS 5075-1:1982

BS 5075-1:1982

Concrete admixtures-Specification for accelerating admixtures, retarding admixtures and water reducing admixtures

BSI Group , 10/15/2000

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF


Specifies performance and uniformity tests and requirements, information to be provided by the manufacturer, certificates and marking. Appendices for test methods and guidance on use.Incorporates the following:BS 5075-1

BS 5075-1:1982 History

BS 09/30194017 DC

BS 09/30194017 DC

$123.00 $246.97

BS 5075-1:1982

BS 5075-1:1982

$95.00 $190.50

BS 5075-3:1985

BS 5075-3:1985

$95.00 $190.50

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