• BS 5250:1989

BS 5250:1989

Code of practice for control of condensation in buildings

BSI Group , 06/30/1989

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF


Causes and effects of condensation in buildings both new and existing and recommendations for their control. Methods to determine the occurrence and assess the effects of surface condensation on mould growth and interstitial condensation. Guidance on assessing whether any such condensation may be considered harmful.

BS 5250:1989 History

BS 5250:2021

BS 5250:2021

$199.00 $399.00

BS 5250:2011+A1:2016

BS 5250:2011+A1:2016

$199.00 $398.78

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BS 5250:2011

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BS 5250:1989

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$184.00 $368.30

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