• BS 5306-8:2012

BS 5306-8:2012

Fire extinguishing installations and equipment on premises-Selection and positioning of portable fire extinguishers. Code of practice

BSI Group , 10/31/2012

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF


Cross References:BS 5306-3BS 7863BS EN 2BS EN 3BS 3632BS 5423BS 6643-1BS 7867BS 7937BS EN 1645-1PAS 79 Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005Fire Safety (Scotland) Regulations 2006Fire Precautions (Workplace) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2001 Fire (Scotland) Act 2005Fire Safety Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2010 Health and Safety (Safety Signs and Signals) Regulations1996Health and Safety (Safety Signs and Signals) Regulations(Northern Ireland) 1996Pressure Systems Safety Regulations 2000Pressure Systems Safety Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2004Transportable Pressure Vessels Regulations 2001Transportable Pressure Vessels Regulations (NorthernIreland) 2003Environmental Protection (Controls on Ozone-DepletingSubstances) (Amendment) Regulations 2011Controls on Ozone-Depleting Substances Regulations(Northern Ireland) 2011. LondonHealth and Safety at Work Act etc. 1974Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations1999Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations(Northern Ireland) 2000Regulation (EC) No 1005/2009Regulation (EU) No 744/2010

BS 5306-8:2012 History

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BS 5306-8:2023

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