• BS 5350-A2:1990

BS 5350-A2:1990

Methods of test for adhesives. Adherends-Guide to the selection of adherend materials

BSI Group , 02/28/1990

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF


Lists British Standards that give specifications for commonly used adherend materials and gives guidance on properties to be controlled in materials for which there are no British Standards.Cross References:BS 690:Part 2BS 690:Part 4BS 690:Part 5 BS 729BS 849BS 952:Part 1BS 970:Part 1BS 1004BS 1154BS 1178BS 1204:Part 1BS 1204:Part 2BS 1230BS 1449:Part 1BS 1449:Part 2BS 1452BS 1470BS 1474BS 1615BS 1706BS 1763BS 1771:Part 2BS 2569BS 2572BS 2739BS 2749BS 2751 & 3222BS 2752BS 2870BS 2871:Part 1 BS 2871:Part 2BS 2871:Part 3BS 2874BS 2875BS 2920BS 3012BS 3072BS 3073BS 3227BS 3260BS 3261BS 3290 BS 3379BS 3431BS 3432BS 3436BS 3472BS 3497BS 3505BS 3506BS 3650BS 3757BS 3794:Part 1BS 3830BS 3831BS 3837BS 3869BS 3921BS 3987 BS 4021BS 4396BS 4415BS 4584BS 4608BS 4646BS 4660BS 4921BS 5350:Part A1BS 5669BS 6323BS 6431:Part 2 BS 6431:Part 3BS 6431:Part 4BS 6431:Part 5 BS 6431:Part 6BS 6431:Part 7BS 6431:Part 8 BS 6431:Part 9BS 6561BS 6566:Part 6BS 66873B 118F 16F 85F 376F 474F 492F 525F 553F 572F 1112F 1142F 1152F 1163F 118 2F 1192F 1222F 1232F 124F 126F 127F 128L 157L 158L 159L 163L 164L 165L 166L 1672TA 12TA 22TA 32TA 62TA 73V 42V 37V 38DD 74DD 139 ASTM D 2482-76BPBIF Method No. 30TAPPI Method T459-83Asbestos Regulations 1969

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