BS 5427:2016+A1:2017

Code of practice for the use of profiled sheet for roof and wall cladding on buildings

BSI Group , 12/31/2017

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF


BS 5427:2016+A1:2017 gives recommendations for the design and construction of external claddingassemblies for roofs and walls of buildings in the UK, using longitudinally profiled sheeting asthe external surface, including standing seam. It is not applicable to profiled sheeting used as asupporting substrate, decking, structural liner trays, fully supported profiled sheets, structuralcomposite formations of profiled metal sheeting and concrete, small element cladding or exceptionalapplications, such as buildings for cold storage.Cross References:BS EN 12865:2001BS EN ISO 12944-2:1998BS EN 13165BS EN 506BS 476-20BS EN 508-2BS EN ISO 11600BS EN 1993-1-3BS EN 612BS EN 508-3BS EN 534BS 5516-1BS EN 1991-1-4 PD CEN/TS 16415BS EN 13162BS EN 1013BS EN 494BS EN 795BS EN 14509BS EN ISO 6946BS 9101BS 476-21BS 476-3BS EN 14782BS EN 1991-1-1BS EN 13501-1BS 476-6BS 6229BS EN 10147BS 8490BS EN ISO 13788BS EN 12056-3 BS EN 508-1BS 6100-0BS 5250BS 476-23BS 8219BS 8530BS EN 62305-3BS EN 544BS EN 13501-2BS 476-7BS EN ISO 10211BS EN 1991-1-3BS 476-22BS EN 1090-4BS 6093 BS EN 10169BS EN 485-4BS EN 1995-1-1BS EN 14963BS 7543BS EN ISO 3506-4BS EN 10088-2BS EN 1873BS EN ISO 3506-1BS EN 13523 (all parts)BS 569BS EN 14783Incorporates the following:Amendment, December 2017

BS 5427:2016+A1:2017 History

BS 5427:2016+A1:2017

BS 5427:2016+A1:2017

$199.00 $398.78

BS 5427:2016

BS 5427:2016

$160.00 $320.04

BS 5427:1976

BS 5427:1976

$175.00 $350.52

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