BS 5489-2:2016

Code of practice for the design of road lighting-Lighting of tunnels

BSI Group , 04/30/2016

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF


BS 5489-2:2016 gives recommendations for the design of the lighting oftunnels for motorized and mixed traffic. It is applicable to all types of road,including motorways.This standard is applicable to those aspects of lighting that are concerned withtraffic safety, such as arrangements, levels and other parameters includingdaylight.This standard is not applicable to aspects of lighting that concern aesthetics.This part of BS 5489 is not applicable to the lighting of underpasses or subwaysreserved for pedestrians or cyclists, which is covered in BS 5489-1.NOTE 1 This part of BS 5489 is based on photometric considerations, and all valuesof luminance and illuminance are maintained levels.NOTE 2 In this standard "lamp" and "lamps" also include LED light sources.Cross References:BS 667BS 7920BS EN 12665BS EN 13201-2BS EN 13201-3:2015BS EN 13201-4BS 5489-1BS EN 16276CR 14380:2003 DIN 67524-1:2008CIE 144:2001

BS 5489-2:2016 History

BS 5489-2:2016

BS 5489-2:2016

$154.00 $309.88

BS 5489-2:2003+A1:2008

BS 5489-2:2003+A1:2008

$154.00 $309.88

BS 5489-2:2003

BS 5489-2:2003

$72.00 $144.78

BS 5489-7:1990

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$154.00 $309.88

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BS 5489-7:1971

$132.00 $264.16

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