• BS 5492:1990

BS 5492:1990

Code of practice for internal plastering

BSI Group , 11/30/1990

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF


Recommendations for 'wet' plastering using gypsum plasters, lime/gypsum plasters, premixed lightweight plasters and cement based plasters. Suitable plastering systems for all types of background are given, also plasterwork defects and their remedies. A section on fibrous plasterwork is included. Cross References: BS 12*BS 146*BS 443*BS 476:Part 4 *BS 890*BS 1191:Part 1*BS 1191:Part 2*BS 1199 and 1200*BS 1230:Part 1*BS 1369:Part 1*BS 1449:Part 2*BS 1485*BS 1706*BS 2989*BS 3382:Parts 1 and 2*BS 3797*BS 4027*BS 4721 *BS 4887:Part 1*BS 4921*BS 5224*BS 5262 *BS 5270:Part 1*BS 5606*BS 5628:Part 3*BS 6100:Part 6*BS 6150*BS 6452:Part 1*BS 6576 *BS 6588*BS 8000:Part 10*BS 8233*Building Regulations 1985*Building Regulations (Northern Ireland) 1977*Building Standards (Scotland) Regulations 1981 *BRE Digest No. 163*

BS 5492:1990 History

BS PD CEN/TR 15123:2005

BS PD CEN/TR 15123:2005

$95.00 $190.50

BS 5492:1990

BS 5492:1990

$175.00 $350.52

BS 5492:1977

BS 5492:1977

$132.00 $264.16

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