• BS 5493:1977

BS 5493:1977

Code of practice for protective coating of iron and steel structures against corrosion

BSI Group , 10/31/1977

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF


Guidance on how to specify a chosen protective system, how to ensure its correct application and how to maintain it. Does not include specific recommendations for ships, vehicles, offshore platforms, specialized chemical equipment, cladding materials, plastics coatings, cement-mortar linings or weathering steels. Cross References:BS 534BS 729BS 1070BS 1133:Section 6BS 1706BS2015BS 2091BS 2451BS 2523BS 2569:Part 1BS 2569:Part 2BS 2989 BS 3294BS 3382:Parts 1 & 2BS 3416BS3698BS 3900:Part A5BS 3900 Part C5BS 4147BS 4164BS 4275BS 4479BS 4604 BS 4652BS 4921BS 5228BS 5950:Section 3.1BS 5950:Part 4BS 6150BS 7079:PART a1 BS 7079:Part C1BS 7079:Part C2BS 8110:Part 1 BS 8110:Part 2BS 8110:Part 3CP 3012PD 6484SIS 05 59 00ASTM STP 435Factories Act, 1961Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974Control of Pollution Act 1974Lead Paint Regulations 1927 Lead Paint (Prescribed Leaflet) Order 1964Factories (Cleanliness of Walls and Ceilings) Order 1960Construction (General Provisions) Regulations 1961Construction (Working Places) Regulations 1966Construction (Health and Welfare) Regulations 1966Construction (Lifting Operations) Regulations 1961Construction (Notes of Accidents) Order Construction (Notice of Operations and Works) Order 1964 Protection of Eyes Regulations 1974Blasting (Castings and other Articles) Special Regulations 1949Highly Flammable Liquids and Liquid Petroleum Gases Regulations 1972Partially replaced by Parts 1 to 8 of BS EN ISO 12944 and BS EN ISO 14713:1999.Incorporates the following:AMD 4443 published 31 January 1984AMD 7898 published 15 November 1993

BS 5493:1977 History

BS 05/30140324 DC

BS 05/30140324 DC

$145.00 $290.69

BS 5493:1977

BS 5493:1977

$199.00 $398.78

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