BS 5534:2014+A2:2018

Slating and tiling for pitched roofs and vertical cladding. Code of practice

BSI Group , 02/28/2018

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF


BS 5534:2014+A2:2018 gives recommendations primarily intended for the design, performanceand installation of new build pitched roofs, including vertical cladding, and for normal re-roofingwork, including repairs, using slates, tiles, shingles and shakes and their associated components. ThisBritish Standard does not cover the structural design of the roof.The recommendations contained in this British Standard might not be appropriate for the re-slatingor re-tiling of some old roofs, particularly where traditional and/or reclaimed materials are used.Users intending to adopt any of these recommendations for old roofs, and especially for historicallyor architecturally important buildings, are advised to consult with the local planning authority or anappropriate conservation organization to check their suitability.This British Standard is intended for use by designers, manufacturers and installers ofroofing products.Cross References:BS EN 491BS EN 13162BS EN 13163BS EN 516BS EN 492 BS EN 1172BS 1202-3BS EN 1873BS EN 12588BS EN 10051 BS EN 485-2BS EN 1991-1-4BS 8417BS EN 622-2:2004BS EN 622-4:2009BS EN 634-1:1995BS EN 350-2:1994BS EN 10088-3:2005 BS EN 14963BS EN 197-1:2011BS EN 622-3:2004BS EN 13353:2008+A1:2011BS EN 312:2010BS EN 13139BS EN 300:2006BS EN 636:2012BS EN 1426BS EN 14964BS EN 544BS EN 10048 BS EN 13171BS EN 13859-1BS EN 517BS EN 13166BS 416-1BS 1202-2BS ISO 6707-1BS EN 485-4BS EN 1991-1-3BS 2000-58BS 6100-6BS EN 1427BS EN 490BS EN 13164BS EN 10230-1BS EN ISO 1461BS EN 12056-3NFRC Technical Bulletin 34:2014BS EN 12878BS EN 13304BS EN 607BS 2000-49BS EN 485-1BS EN 599-1BS EN 1304BS EN 1995-1-1BS EN 1462 BS EN 573BS EN 13170BS EN 13168BS EN 539-2BS EN 10268BS 4841-5BS EN 988BS EN 12200-1BS EN 1008BS EN 10095BS EN 12326-2BS EN 612BS EN 13165BS EN 1991-1-1 BS 9250BS EN 1993-1-1BS 8000-6BS EN 62305BS EN 335 BS 5250BS EN 1990BS EN 934-3BS EN 12326-1NFRC Technical Bulletin 30:2002TR 15601NFRC Technical Bulletin 28:2002BS EN 504TR 15941BS 476-3BS EN 15643BS 1202-1NFRC Technical Bulletin 29:2002NFRC Technical Bulletin 43:2014Building Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2012Regulations 2010 ? Approved Document L1BNFRC Technical Bulletin 07:1991Control of Substances Hazardous to Health RegulationsBS EN 12833BS EN ISO 140-18ECBS EN ISO 6946 Control of Asbestos at Work Regulations 2002NFRC Technical Bulletin 06:1991 The Building Regulations 2000 ? Approved Document HBS EN 501NFRC Technical Bulletin 04a:2012E 2005NFRC Technical Bulletin 42Building (Scotland) Regulations 2004PD 6484BS EN ISO 717-2Good Building Guide 37BS EN 12524:2000BS EN 13501-1BS 8104:1992BS EN 338:2009NA to BS EN 1991-1-4:2005+A1:2010PD 476-3Biocidal Products Regulations 2001The Building Regulations 2010BS 8206-2BS EN 14437BS 8213-1Control of Pesticides Regulations 1986NFRC Technical Bulletin 20.:1997BS EN 7543BS EN 507BR 443BS EN 15804Health and Safety at Work, etc. Act 1974BS EN 13556BS EN 491 The Building Regulations 2010 ? Approved Document BBS EN 15978BS 8233BS EN 13501-52002NFRC Technical Bulletin 41:2012The Building Regulations 2010 ? Approved Document ANFRC Technical Bulletin 33:2003 BR 262The Building Regulations 2000 ? Approved Document EThe Scottish Building Standards - Technical HandbookThe BuildingBS 8747NFRC Technical Bulletin 21:1997Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 20072013NFRC Technical Bulletin 03:2012BS 4978The Building Regulations (NI) 2000 - Technical BookletReplaces BS 5534:2014+A1:2015 which remains currentIncorporates the following:Amendment, February 2018; Amendment, September 2015

BS 5534:2014+A2:2018 History

BS 5534:2014+A2:2018

BS 5534:2014+A2:2018

$199.00 $398.78

BS 5534:2014

BS 5534:2014

$173.00 $347.98

BS 5534:2014+A1:2015

BS 5534:2014+A1:2015

$201.00 $403.86

BS 5534:2003

BS 5534:2003

$142.00 $284.48

BS 5534-1:1997

BS 5534-1:1997

$199.00 $398.78

BS 5534-1:1990

BS 5534-1:1990

$132.00 $264.16

BS 5534-1:1978

BS 5534-1:1978

$132.00 $264.16

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