• BS 559:1955

BS 559:1955

Specification for electric signs and high-voltage luminous-discharge-tube installations

BSI Group , 04/01/1974

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF


Covers low- and medium-voltage signs (excluding exit signs for cinemas, etc.) irrespective of the lamp employed, and high-voltage luminous-discharge-tube installations for external or internal use on circuits up to and including 5 kV to earth. Not lamps and auxiliaries operating below high voltage. Construction (wood and metal letters, emblems or devices, backing, glass panels, drainage, ventilation), electrical apparatus (transformers, inductors, resistors, flashers, capacitors), wiring, and construc tion and testing of cables. Suppression devices for radio interference caused by flasher signs, and testing for non-flammability are appended.

BS 559:1955 History

BS 559-1:2023

BS 559-1:2023

$95.00 $191.00

BS 09/30166898 DC

BS 09/30166898 DC

$92.00 $185.49

BS 559:2009

BS 559:2009

$132.00 $264.16

BS 559:1998

BS 559:1998

$80.00 $160.02

BS 559:1991

BS 559:1991

$95.00 $190.50

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BS 559:1986

$132.00 $264.16

BS 559:1955

BS 559:1955

$132.00 $264.16

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