BS 5756:2007+A2:2017

Visual strength grading of temperate hardwood. Specification

BSI Group , 11/30/2017

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF


BS 5756:2007+A2:2017 specifies a method of strength grading temperate hardwood visually forstructural use.The permissible limits of characteristics for temperate hardwoods are specified for two visualstrength grades for large size timber, designated "Heavy Structural Temperate Hardwood" (THAand THB), and two visual strength grades for smaller size timber, designated "General StructuralTemperate Hardwood" (TH1 and TH2).This British Standard applies to temperate hardwoods, graded for use in the United Kingdom.Cross References:BS EN 13183-2:2002BS EN 1310:1997BS EN 13556:2003BS EN 1912:2012BS EN 14081-1:2016BS 5268-2:2002BS EN 14081-4:2009BS EN 336:2013BS EN 1995-1-1:2004+A2:2014Incorporates the following:Amendment, November 2017

BS 5756:2007+A2:2017 History

BS 5756:2007+A2:2017

BS 5756:2007+A2:2017

$95.00 $190.50

BS 5756:2007+A1:2011

BS 5756:2007+A1:2011

$73.00 $147.32

BS 5756:2007

BS 5756:2007

$58.00 $116.84

BS 06/30148363 DC

BS 06/30148363 DC

$113.00 $226.57

BS 5756:1997

BS 5756:1997

$95.00 $190.50

BS 5756:1980

BS 5756:1980

$80.00 $160.02

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