• BS 5763-1:1979

BS 5763-1:1979

Methods for microbiological examination of food and animal feeding stuffs-Enumeration of micro-organisms - colony count technique at 30°C (poured plate technique)

BSI Group , 10/31/1979

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF


General method of preparation of poured plates, and inoculation in pairs with the test sample and with decimal dilutions, incubation at 30°C for 72 h, calculation of number micro-organisms per gram of sample from the number of colonies.

BS 5763-1:1979 History

BS 12/30258007 DC

BS 12/30258007 DC

$122.00 $245.96

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BS 5763-1:1991

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BS 5763-1:1979

BS 5763-1:1979

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BS 5349-2:1976

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