• BS 5815-1:2005

BS 5815-1:2005

Sheets, sheeting, pillowslips, towels, napkins, counterpanes and continental quilt secondary covers suitable for use in the public sector-Specification for sheeting, sheets and pillowslips

BSI Group , 06/20/2005

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF


Cross References:BS 2471BS 2610BS 3870-1BS 3870-2 BS 4032BS 4407BS 4560:1990BS EN 1049-2BS EN 1773:1997BS EN 12590:2000BS EN ISO 6330BS EN ISO 13934-1BS EN 25077BS EN ISO 105-B02BS EN ISO 105-B05BS EN ISO 105-C06:1997 BS EN ISO 105-E04BS EN ISO 105-N02BS EN ISO 105-X12BS EN ISO 12945-1

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