BS 5911-1:2021

Concrete pipes and ancillary concrete-Unreinforced and reinforced concrete pipes (including jacking pipes) and fittings with flexible joints (complementary to BS EN 1916:2002). Specification

BSI Group , 08/13/2021

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF


BS 5911-1:2021 PDF

BS EN 1916 specifies requirements and describes test methods for precast concrete pipes and fittings, unreinforced, steel fibre and reinforced, with flexible joints and nominal sizes not exceeding DN 1750 or WN/HN 1200/1800, for which the main intended use is the conveyance of sewage, rainwater and surface water under gravity or occasionally at low head of pressure in pipelines that are generally buried. The scope includes pipes (collectively referred to as "jacking pipes") intended to be installed by pipe jacking, microtunnelling or other trenchless technology.Cross References:

BS 3123

BS 4027

BS 4035

BS 4449

BS 4482

BS 4483

BS 4484-1

BS 4921:1998

BS 5204-1

BS 5204-2

BS 7979

BS 8500-2:2006

BS EN 197-1

BS EN 197-4

BS EN 450-1

BS EN 681-1

BS EN 934-2

BS EN 1008

BS EN 1011-2

BS EN 1011-3

BS EN 1796

BS EN 1916:2002

BS EN 10025-1

BS EN 10088-2:2004

BS EN 10088-2:2005

BS EN 12620

BS EN 13121-3

BS EN 13923

BS EN 14216

BS EN 14364

BS EN 15167-1

BS EN ISO 1461

BS 5911-100:1998

BS 5911-120:1989

BS 8110-1:1997

BS 8110-2:1985

BS 8500-1:2006

BS EN 206-1:2000

BS EN 752

BS EN 1295-1:1998

BS EN 1610:1998

BS 5911-1:2021 History

BS 5911-1:2021

BS 5911-1:2021

$132.00 $264.00

BS 5911-1:2002

BS 5911-1:2002

$78.00 $157.48

BS 5911-120:1989

BS 5911-120:1989

$132.00 $264.16

BS 5911-100:1988

BS 5911-100:1988

$154.00 $309.88

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