• BS 594987:2024

BS 594987:2024

Asphalt for roads and other trafficked areas. Transport, laying, compaction and product type testing protocols. Specification

BSI Group , 12/31/2024

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF


This document specifies requirements for the transport, laying and compaction of asphalt mixtures for roads and other trafficked areas conforming to BS EN 13108‑1, BS EN 13108‑4, BS EN 13108‑5, BS EN 13108‑6, and as described in PD 6691. It addresses the requirements from the time the mixtures leave the mixing plant until they are installed ready to receive a superimposed layer or traffic. It includes requirements for preliminary work at the laying site to verify the substrate is fit to receive the asphalt and the application of bond coats.

NOTE 1: The term “asphalt” used in this standard is the generic term used to describe the wide range of mixtures of aggregate and bituminous binders. Asphalt is referred to as bituminous mixtures in the BS EN 13108 series.

This document does not contain explicit requirements for asphalt mixtures covered in other parts of BS EN 13108 or proprietary asphalt mixtures. However, the general principles of this standard can be applied to those mixtures in addition to any special requirements specified in individual quality plans and/or method statements.

This document does not specify requirements for asphalt incorporating bituminous emulsion binders.

NOTE 2: BS EN 13108‑20 specifies tests for determining the conformity of a mix to any of the other parts of BS EN 13108. This is similar to a mix design validation or job mix trial. BS EN 13108‑20 offers some choice in the way specimens are to be prepared for the purposes of product‑type testing. Guidance for sample preparation for the demonstration of product‑type test properties are given in PD 6691:2022, 7.2 and are linked to the relevant protocols/annexes in this document.

BS 594987:2024 History

BS 594987:2024

BS 594987:2024

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BS 594987:2015+A1:2017

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