• BS 5970:1981

BS 5970:1981

Code of practice for thermal insulation of pipework and equipment (in the temperature range -100°C to +870°C)

BSI Group , 08/01/1981

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF


Recommends the principles to be followed in selecting the most suitable insulating systems for particular requirements of pipework, plant and equipment. Gives guidance on design, work on site and application, and on the use and choice of finishes. Primarily intended for fixed installations but also applicable to land transport and marine use.

BS 5970:1981 History

BS 06/30147928 DC

BS 06/30147928 DC

$115.00 $231.87

BS 5970:1992

BS 5970:1992

$199.00 $398.78

BS 5422:1990

BS 5422:1990

$184.00 $368.30

BS 5970:1981

BS 5970:1981

$199.00 $398.78

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