BS 5975:2019

Code of practice for temporary works procedures and the permissible stress design of falsework

BSI Group , 05/30/2019

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF


This British Standard gives recommendations and guidance on the procedural controls to be applied to all aspects of temporary works in the construction industry. It also includes guidance on design, specification, construction, use and dismantling of falsework. This standard gives guidance on permissible stress design of all falsework. The guidance also applies to the design of class A falsework1 defined in BS EN 12812, the design of which is specifically excluded from BS EN 12812.

Section 1 gives recommendations in relation to training and education.

Section 2 gives recommendations for procedures to ensure that temporary works are conceived, designed, specified, constructed, used and dismantled all in a safe and controlled manner suitable for all construction projects. These procedures include clauses relating to all roles involved in temporary works: clients, permanent works designers, temporary works designers, contractors (including construction management organizations), suppliers and manufacturers.

Construction sites and methods adopted for controlling the temporary works vary. This British Standard recognizes that the extent of control measures required are greater on the larger or more complex projects, as can be encountered on major infrastructure projects, power stations, airports etc. Generally procedures are to be in accordance with this standard but additional client specific procedures might be required on major infrastructure projects.

Section 3 covers the design of temporary works and in particular the design of falsework and relevantformwork. In addition Section 3 covers: materials including material factors; loads and load factors; design of falsework, including both proprietary equipment and traditional scaffolding solutions; wind loading (reference to temporary and permanent stability) and reference to other British Standards for the design of structural steelwork, reinforced concrete and excavation support. Although Section 3 was written for permissible stress design, the design concepts and the service loads stated are applicable to limit state design. The loads, including wind loads, are the unfactored service loads and conform to both BS EN 1991-1-4 and BS EN 12812.

The structural design element in this British Standard is additional information necessary for the structural design of falsework. It can be used in conjunction with existing structural standards.Cross References:BS EN 1992-1-1BS 1881-120BS EN 12813BS 8110-3BS 8002BS 5507-3BS EN 1991-1-6BS 8110-1BS EN 1011-1BS 1881-118BS EN 1991-1-1BS 1881-115BS 1881-119BS 1881-116 BS EN 74-1BS EN 1011-2BS 8110-2BS 6399-1BS 5507-1 BS 648BS 1881-117BS EN 12812:2008BS 5268-2:2002PD 6688-1-4:2009BS EN 39:2001BS 1139-1:1982BS EN 1313-2:1999BS EN 1065:1999BS EN 1991-1-4:2005+A1:2010BS EN 10025-2:2004BS 4978:1996BS 5756:2007BS EN 1313-1:1997BS 449-2:1969BS EN 12811-1:2003BS 5628-1:2005NA to BS EN 1991-1-4:2005+A1:2010BS 5930:1999BS 8004:1986BS 1139-2.2:1991BS EN 12812:2004BS 1377-9:1990BS 1377-7:1990BS EN 1991-1-4:2005+A1:2010BS 6399-2:1997 BS 1377-2:1990BS 1377-5:1990BS 1139-1.2:1990Work at Height Regulations 2005BS EN 1993-1-1CIRIA Report 136:1995BS 4604-1BS 4360Health and Safety at Work, etc. Act 1974CIRIA Report 108:1995 BS 1377-4BS 1377-6BS 6349-7NASC TG20:2013BS 8118 BS 1377-3BS EN 14081-1NASC SG4:2015Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015BS EN 1991-1-3BS 1377-8BS 6349-1BS EN 74-2BS 1377-1BS 4604-2PAS 8812CIRIA Report C579:2003BS 6031BS EN 13377

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