• BS 6093:1993

BS 6093:1993

Code of practice for design of joints and jointing in building construction

BSI Group , 02/15/1993

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF


Draws attention to the design processes and mechanisms of a broad range of basic jointing methods, to assist designers in solving problems for specific designs. Recommendations are made on the use of sealants and gaskets.Cross References: BS 1192:Part 1*BS 5368:Part 1*BS 5368:Part 2 *BS 5368:Part 3*BS 5368:Part 4*BS 5628:Part 3 *BS 6100:Subsection 1.3.6*BS 6100:Subsection 1.5.1 *BS 6100:Subsection 1.5.2*BS 6375:Part 1*BS 6375:Part 2*ISO 2445*BS 1192:Part 2*BS 4255:Part 1*BS 5606*BS 6213*BS 6262*BS 6750*BS 6954:Part 3*BS 8000*BS 8200*BS 8210*BS EN 26927*ISO 3447*BRE Digests 227, 228 and 229*Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 1988**

BS 6093:1993 History

BS 6093:2006+A1:2013

BS 6093:2006+A1:2013

$184.00 $368.30

BS 6093:2006

BS 6093:2006

$124.00 $248.92

BS 6093:1993

BS 6093:1993

$154.00 $309.88

BS 6093:1981

BS 6093:1981

$132.00 $264.16

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