• BS 6150:1991

BS 6150:1991

Code of practice for painting of buildings

BSI Group , 12/20/1991

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF


Recommendations for good practice in the initial and maintenance painting of buildings. Certain processes are excluded: particular requirements of listed or historic buildings, preservative treatments for structural timber, coatings for fire protection, certain specialist decorative processes, and limewash and distemper coatings.Cross References: BS 187*BS 381C*BS 476:Part 7*BS 729 *BS 1070*BS 1142*BS 1191:Part 1*BS 1191:Part 2*BS 1336*BS 1706*BS 1710*BS 2015*BS 2091*BS 2092*BS 2523*BS 2569 *BS 2989*BS 2992*BS 3382*BS 3416*BS 3698*BS 3761*BS 3900*BS 4072:Part 1*BS 4072:Part 2*BS 4275*BS 4652*BS 4756*BS 4764*BS 4800*BS 4842*BS 4921*BS 5082*BS 5228*BS 5250*BS 5252*BS 5262 *BS 5268:Part 5*BS 5358*BS 5378*BS 5427 *BS 5492*BS 5493*BS 5589*BS 5707:Part 1 *BS 5707:Part 3*BS 5973*BS 6073:Part 1*BS 6262*BS 6477*BS 6949*BS 6952:Part 1*BS 7079*BS 8000:Part 12*BS 8202*BS 8210*BS 8212*DD 24*PD 6484*IP 11/79*IP 22/79*British Wood Preserving Association Manual 1986*CIBS Code of Interior Lighting 1984*Code for the Measurement of Building Works in Small Dwellings 1979*Department of the Environment: Standard Fire Precautions, P-5 *80/778/EEC*EH/9: Spraying of highly flammable liquids *EH/10: Asbestos control limits, measurement of airborne dust concentrations and the assessment of control measurer*EH/16: Isocyanates, toxic hazards and precautions*EH/28: Control of lead: air sampling techniques and strategies*EH/29: Control of lead: outside workers*EH/40: Occupational exposure limits *GS/5: Entry into confined spaces*HS(G)3: Highly flammable materials on construction sites*IND(G)60L: Down with dust*IND(G)72L: Health hazards to painters*SMM7, Code of Practice for the Method of Measurement of Building Works 1988*Control of Lead at Work Regulations 1980*Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 1988*Noise at Work Regulations 1989*Control of Pesticides Regulations 1986 *Building Regulations*Control of Carcinogenic Substances, Approved Code of Practice, COP 29*COP2. Control of Lead at Work. Approved Code of Practice*Control of Asbestos at Work Regulations 1987*Asbestos (Prohibitions) (Amendment) Regulations 1988*Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974*Asbestos Products (Safety) Regulations 1985*Consumer Safety Act 1978*Protection of Eyes Regulations 1974*Petroleum (Consolidation) Acts, 1928*Highly Flammable Liquids and Liquified Petroleum Gases Regulations 1972 *D*

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