BS 6229:2018

Flat roofs with continuously supported flexible waterproof coverings. Code of practice

BSI Group , 11/23/2018

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF


This revised edition of BS 6229 describes best current practice in the design, construction, careand maintenance of roofs with a flat or curved surface, at a pitch not greater than 10 degrees to thehorizontal, with a continuously supported flexible waterproof covering. The supporting structureis either dense and heavy (such as a concrete slab), or consists of framing members supporting alightweight deck of metal or of timber-based material.Cross References:DD CEN/TS 1099BS EN 13970BS EN 13163BS 8220-2BS 9999BS EN 1995-1-1BS EN ISO 13788BS EN 13055-1BS EN 1313-1 BS EN 13167BS 8218BS EN 12056-3BS EN 314-2BS EN 1991-1-4BS 8747BS 8217BS 8233:2014BS EN 10346:2015BS EN 13956BS EN 1993-1-1BS EN 13984BS EN 13165BS EN 13162BS EN 1994-1-1BS EN 13164BS 8220-1BS 8220-3BS EN ISO 10456BS EN 13707BS EN 507BS EN 300BS EN 13859-1 BS EN 13166BS EN 12620BS EN 13170BS 5250BS EN 636 BS EN 1999-1-4BS 8204-1BS EN 1992-1-1BS EN ISO 6946BS EN 1999-1-1BS EN 13169BS EN 12524BS EN 16002BS EN 1991-1-1BS EN 1313-2BS 6925BS EN 1991-1-3BS 6100-6BS EN 13501-5:2016BS 8000-4:1989BS EN 13948DD CEN/TS 1187

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BS 6229:2018

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