• BS 6375-3:2009+A1:2013

BS 6375-3:2009+A1:2013

Performance of windows and doors-Classification for additional performance characteristics and guidance on selection and specification

BSI Group , 11/30/2013

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF


Cross References:BS 644BS 4873BS 6100BS 6375-2:2009BS 6510BS 7412PAS 24:2012BS 7950PAS 24BS EN 179BS EN 410 BS EN 717-1BS EN 1121BS EN 1125BS EN 1294BS EN 1522 BS EN 1523BS EN 12219BS EN 12453:2001BS EN 12519BS EN 13123BS EN 13124BS EN 13363BS EN 13501-1BS EN 13501-5 BS EN 14351BS EN 14600BS EN 60335-2-103BS EN ISO 140-3 BS EN ISO 10077BS EN ISO 12567BS EN 13420BS 6375-1BS EN 1627BS EN 1628BS EN 1629BS EN 1630prEN 12650-1 prEN 12650-2prEN 13637prEN 13933Building Regulations 2000 Building (Scotland) Regulations 2004Building Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2000Incorporates the following:Amendment, November 2013. Amends and replaces BS 6375-3:2009

BS 6375-3:2009+A1:2013 History

BS 6375-3:2009+A1:2013

BS 6375-3:2009+A1:2013

$95.00 $190.50

BS 08/30143167 DC

BS 08/30143167 DC

$119.00 $238.14

BS 6375-3:2009

BS 6375-3:2009

$63.00 $127.00

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