BS 6400-1:2016

Specification for installation, exchange, relocation, maintenance and removal of gas meters with a maximum capacity not exceeding 6 m3/h-Low pressure (2nd family gases)

BSI Group , 06/30/2016

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF


BS 6400-1:2016 specifies requirements for the installation, exchange,relocation, maintenance and removal of credit or prepayment diaphragm andultrasonic gas meters with a maximum capacity not exceeding 6 m^/h.NOTE 1 For the purposes of this British Standard, installation includes design,inspection and commissioning. It is recognized that each of these tasks can beperformed by the same person.This part of BS 6400 is applicable to primary and secondary meter installations:
  • supplied with 2nd family gases from low pressure gas distribution systemswith a maximum operating pressure not exceeding 75 mbar, a designminimum pressure of 19 mbar and a design maximum incidental pressureof 200 mbar;
  • fitted downstream of the emergency control valve;
  • that utilize a primary meter regulator downstream of the emergency controlvalve;
  • where the operating pressure at the outlet of the meter is nominally21 mbar.
NOTE 2 Low pressure gas networks in Great Britain operate with a maximumoperating pressure not exceeding 75 mbar, a design minimum pressure of 19 mbarand a design maximum incidental pressure of 200 mbar.NOTE 3 Installation pipework is specified in BS 6891.NOTE 4 Service pipes (including the emergency control valve) are specified in theInstitution of Gas Engineers and Managers' publication on gas services, IGE/TD/4 [18].NOTE 5 All pressures quoted in this standard are gauge pressures and all pressureabsorption values are for natural gas unless otherwise specified.NOTE 6 Additional guidance on domestic gas systems can be found in BS EN 1775,BS EN 1776 and BS EN 12279.NOTE 7 Additional guidance on gas installations in multi-occupancy buildings isgiven in IGEM/G/5.Cross References:BS 21BS 476-7:1997BS 746:2014BS 6891:2015BS 7671 BS 8499BS EN 1359BS EN 14236BS EN 60079-10-1IGEM/GM/7B:2008IGEM/SR/25:2010IGEM/GM/7A:2008PRS 1/E:2002PRS 3/E:2004PRS 6/E:2004IGEM/G/5:2012IGEM/UP/1B:2012BS 4161-3BS 4161-5BS 4781BS 6004BS 6231BS EN 437 BS EN 1775BS EN 1776BS EN 12279BS EN 50525PD CEN/CLC/ETSI TR 50572:2011OFGEM COP/1a:1998Gas Safety (Installation and Use) Regulations 1998Gas Safety (Installation and Use) Regulations(Northern Ireland) 2004Gas Safety (Installation and Use) Regulations 1994Gas Meters (Information on Connection andDisconnection) Regulations 1996Gas Safety (Management) Regulations 1996Gas Safety (Management) Regulations (Northern Ireland)1997Gas (Meters) Regulations 1983Building Regulations 2010 (England and Wales)Building (Scotland) Regulations 2004Building Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2012Measuring Instruments (EEC Requirements) (Gas VolumeMeters) Regulations 1988Measuring Instruments (Gas Meters) Regulations 2006Dangerous Substances and Explosive AtmosphereRegulations 2002Gas (Calculation of Thermal Energy) Regulations 19962004/22/EC2014/32/ECIGE/TD/4:2007IGEM/G/4:2012IGEM/G/1:2013Gas Act 1986Health and Safety (Gas) (Guernsey) Ordnance No. XIV2006IGEM/IG/1:2014Dangerous Substances and Explosive AtmospheresRegulations 2002IGEM/GM/6:2011

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BS 6400-1:2016

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