• BS 6515:1984

BS 6515:1984

Specification for polyethylene damp-proof courses for masonry

BSI Group , 09/28/1984

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF


Requirements for materials, minimum thickness and impermeability of polyethylene damp-proof courses for masonry. Appendices give test methods and recommended uses.Cross References:BS 2648BS 2782:Part 4:Method 452BBS 2782:Part 6:Methods 620A to 620DBS 2782:Part 7:Method 720A BS 5628:Part 1BS 5628:Part 3BS 6100:Section 1.0DD 86:Part 1DD 86:Part 2Partially replaces BS 743:1970.

BS 6515:1984 History

BS 6515:1984

BS 6515:1984

$80.00 $160.02

BS 743:1970

BS 743:1970

$80.00 $160.02

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