• BS 6717:2001

BS 6717:2001

Precast, unreinforced concrete paving blocks. Requirements and test methods

BSI Group , 09/15/2001

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF


Cross References: prEN 1338*BS 812-114:1989*BS 7932:1998*BS EN 10083-2:1991*BS EN ISO 4288:1998*BS ISO 8486-1:1996*Also available as part of KIT 119 and KIT 165.

BS 6717:2001 History

BS 6717:2001

BS 6717:2001

$154.00 $309.88

BS 6717-1:1993

BS 6717-1:1993

$46.00 $93.98

BS 6717-1:1986

BS 6717-1:1986

$80.00 $160.02

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