• BS 6886:1987

BS 6886:1987

Specification for alumino-silicate refractories for use in coke ovens

BSI Group , 09/30/1987

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF


Mean and limiting values are given for chemical composition, porosity, dimensional stability, strength and other properties which may be relevant to particular applications. Tolerances on dimensions and limits on defects are also given. Cross References:BS 817BS 1902:Part 1ABS 1902:Section 2.1 BS 1902:Section 3.8BS 1902:Section 3.11BS 1902:Section 3.13BS 1902:Section 4.3BS 1902:Section 4.6BS 1902:Section 4.9BS 1902:Section 5.2BS 1902:Section 5.10BS 1902:Section 5.11BS 1902:Section 9.1BS 3446BS 6001BS 6002BS 6065BS 6434

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