• BS 7453-1:1991

BS 7453-1:1991

Procedures for UK registration for Open Systems standards.-Procedures for the UK Name Registration Authority

BSI Group , 12/20/1991

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF


Procedures to be followed, in the administration of the UK Naming Schemes, for the assignment of one or more of object identifiers, directory names and MHS Management Domain Names.Cross References:BS 5374BS 6568:Part 1BS 6879BS 7090:Part 1BS 7306BS 7453:Part 2BS 7521 BS ISO 7498:Part 3BS ISO/IEC 8824BS ISO/IEC 9594:Part 2BS ISO/IEC 9594:Part 6BS ISO/IEC 9834:Part 1BS ISO/IEC 9834:Part 2BS ISO/IEC 10021:Part 2BS ISO/IEC 10021:Part 4BS ISO/IEC 10021:Part 7ISO 8571CCITT Recommendation X.121

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