• BS 7533-3:1997

BS 7533-3:1997

Pavements constructed with clay, natural stone or concrete pavers-Code of practice for laying precast concrete paving blocks and clay pavers for flexible pavements

BSI Group , 05/15/1997

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF


Gives recommendations for laying concrete and clay paving units for roads, industrial areas and other paved areas subject to all categories of vehicular loading and pedestrian traffic.Cross References: BS 812:Part 103:Section 103.1*BS 5328*BS 6100:Part 2*BS 6677:Part 1*BS 6717:Part 1*Specification for Highway Works 1993*Also available as part of KIT 119 and KIT 166.

BS 7533-3:1997 History

BS 7533-3:2005+A1:2009

BS 7533-3:2005+A1:2009

$132.00 $264.16

BS 7533-3:2005

BS 7533-3:2005

$76.00 $152.40

BS 7533-3:1997

BS 7533-3:1997

$95.00 $190.50

BS 6717-3:1989

BS 6717-3:1989

$132.00 $264.16

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